giovedì 27 marzo 2008
MSN Direct
Last week I've informed about "Seven application for mobile devices" in drugs pills.
The article describes several software where there is MSN Direct, a widget that allows to download data by MSN network offering a best user experience.
According to Brad Lidner in Download Squad, it is a"preview version" a fancy word to say beta version.
With MSN Direct it is possible download data using Wi Fi, 3G or EDGE but unfortunately it is available just for 15 devices (see
MSN Direct is a service available for navigation devices, mobile devices, stazioni metereologiche e smart watch.
Through mobile devices is possible to see News, Entertainment, money and sport.
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martedì 18 marzo 2008
Drugs Pills, Week 12
Silverlight 2.0. release. Interestings link for mobile
We like Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta
Seven Windows Mobile applications: mDigger, Skype, Opera Mini, WorldMate, Pim Backup, MSN Direct, Pocket Digital Clock.
Silverlight 1.0 for Mobile
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lunedì 10 marzo 2008
Drugs Pills, week 11
iPhone and Flash a difficult understanding..
Mobile advertising, a worth place
Jason Bigler's 2 cent. A DoubleClick vice president opinion on mobile advertising
Brad Becker, Nokia e Silverlight.
Long and short of mobile video
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Google Android: fresh grass for the new generations
The GOOGLE OS could be also installed on iPhone but it has some little security problems.
According to Morril those are unimportant problems if compared to the advantage that the system offers. The system is also young and will be updated.
Google want to release safe and easy applications getting the better from the AJAX technology.
I am very nosy to know what the system offer and in part I am worry about the power of GOOGLE.
Mobile phones are the most important medium for the users and teenagers love them.
The new generations are also offish from the old model as IBM, Microsoft.. and the new open source culture is a rich soil where grow the new grass.
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Spider web strategy
Just for case I thought that 1 + 1 is equal to 2
I shared my opinion in the net.
But Now I am more sure
You can have happy users when the expectation are low and you have an high quality product. (software+design).
If the expectation are high and the product is ALWAYS a good quality product you will have devoted users.
See the slides....
If what I said is true, then:
- Brilliant web services +
- a good operative system +
- a new platform +
- price reduction of the software to be more precise all free =
Ladies and Gentleman
See this article to know more.
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Who is evil?
Look even the colours are the same...
What I think on this topics I wrote here... Anyway I think that today the scenario is different from some years ago.
Microsoft organization is slow and heavy and I think it is not a problem for monopoly.
Google, instead, is the information holder, and could be sun or rain for advertiser and other net professional.
There is also another think that has upseted me and other Italian professional.
Google has not paid tax in Italy for 50 million of euro and any newspaper has reported this news except “Il Giornale”as Luca Lani has said in his blog.
I mean it is not just because Google dosn’t pay tax but because he has the don’t be evil slogan.
Sound a little bit doubled-faced
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mercoledì 5 marzo 2008
Furniture exhibition 2008
I repeated my search with only Italian language. Google gave me 5000 results but most of the result were inherent to "furniture" (in Italian "mobile").
Unfortunately that shows that our country is overdue on new media technologies.
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